Full Time Officers

Kevin Lindsey
Business Representative
Counties covered: Kane, Kendall, Lake (IL), DuPage, DeKalb, Lee, Kankakee, Iroquois, Will
Also covers Citgo and the NRG Plants in Zone 1

Brian Keane
Business Representative
Counties covered: Cook, Lake (IN), Porter (IN), Newton (IN)

Nicholas Feipel
President and Business Representative
Counties covered: McHenry, Bureau, LaSalle, Will, Grundy, Livingston, Ford, Marshall, Stark, Peoria, Woodford, Tazewell, McLean, Putnam

Part Time Officers
Executive Board
Greg Maniatis
Vice President
Robert Fogarty
John Durkin
Dave Arehart
Eric Anderson
Frank Steward
Michael Cicero
Michael Kliros
Ashley Margentina
Matt Crosse